1 star hotel
Here you can find the one star hotels in Canazei
With one search you can see all the 1 stars hotels in Canazei. Each hotel has it's own description where you can see the services offered and the types of rooms.
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List of facilities
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Giardino delle Rose
Strèda Dolomites, 116
38032 Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 602221
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Margoni
Strèda do Ruf de Antermont, 33
38032 Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601123
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Casa Alpina
Strèda de Pordoi, 13
38032 Passo Pordoi (Canazei) (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601691
Cell. +39 338 8947752
All Hotels in Canazei
Pian Schiavaneis
Loc. Pian de Schiavaneis
38032 Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601338
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Majorka
Strèda de Sorapera, 67
38030 Alba di Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601163
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Vernel
Strèda de Ciamp Trujan, 10
38030 Penia di Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601316
Cell. +39 348 2689514
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Pordoi
Strèda de Pordoi, 126
38032 Passo Pordoi (Canazei) (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601115
All Hotels in Canazei ★
Hotel Villa Ester
Strèda del Piz, 1
38032 Canazei (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 601254
Cell. +39 339 2052879
What else you can do in this page
- Filter the list indicating the services and features you prefer, by selecting them in the field provided here at the top of the page.
- Check out the description, features, photos and many other details of each properties.
- List all properties by proximity to the selected property.